094 - C'est La Vie (1990)

C'est La Vie tells the story of a seemingly perfect family disintegrating while on a summer holiday.

Frédérique leaves for her annual summer holiday with her sister Sophie with their nanny Odette, leaving behind her parents as they continue to fight about their marriage.

She spends most days on the beach with family friends until her mother Lena arrives, complete with a new younger man, Jean-Claude. As she is asked to leave her family by Jean-Claude, Lena must decide whether to save her marriage or lose her children.

Theatrical Poster
C'est La Vie is the final film of the autobiographical trilogy from director Diane Kurys. For this reason it perhaps makes it difficult to understand to begin with as the relationships between the characters are hard to follow.

C'est La Vie is nothing out of the ordinary - it is a story that could happen at any time, any place and it deals with very real issues in today's society. In Britain, not a day goes past without the Daily Mail publishing a story about broken families and C'est La Vie explains this from a very unique viewpoint.

Acted well, but perhaps it might be better to watch its prequels first.

